Thursday, March 11, 2010

Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a Starbucks Cup

Does everyone remember when Starbucks used to print The Way I See It quotes from those individuals deemed "influential" by our society on their signature white with green kinda-unsettling looking mermaid—if you look too closely cups? Well, I do and I LOVED them. I know it sounds a little naive and/or short-sighted to say that I learned everything that I need to know from a Starbucks cup, but it's more or less true. The fact is, I probably had already learned a majority of the lessons and guidance that were provided to me through the medium of the cup, but that doesn't make them any less valid in my opinion. And yes, maybe some of the quotes really didn't apply to me or were a little more abstract than I was hoping for when I would make an excuse to venture over to Starbucks and pay my $3.50 for a quote. Regardless, I still loved them.

For instance, the quote in the image below...A LITTLE too intense for me. I'm all about helping other women sure, but I don't need to be threatened to do it at 7:30 a.m.

However, there was a time in my life where I was just out of sorts and really was looking for some (reformation ?... maybe reinforcement?) that everything what going to be okay. I had asked my friend Emily to meet me at our local Starbucks to discuss the inevitable decline of all things related to my life i.e...

Why do my professors expect me to come to class when it's sunny out?

Why does "boy that I shouldn't care about that much because he only calls me after midnight on the weekends" not pay more attention to me?

Where should we go on Spring Break this year?

If I buy a pair of True Religion jeans this week, will I have enough money in my budget to still make it to Happy Hour on Friday? know, the REALLY important and pressing issues in life. :)

But, let's get back on topic...

While, at said Starbucks with my wonderful friend who was willing to listen to me complain about things that in hindsight matter very little, I got the best quote/advice I have ever received on my coffee cup. In fact I liked it so much I saved the cup, cut out the quote and tacked in to my bulletin board in my apartment and still have it up to this day. I love it for it's simplistic yet profound message that I try to keep with me always.

The quote reads as follows:

"I have faith.

Faith in our wondrous capacity for hope and good, love and trust, healing and forgiveness.

Faith in the blessing of our infinite ability to wonder, question, pray, feel, think and learn.

I have faith.

Faith in the infinite possibilities of the human spirit."

~James Brown~

So, Starbucks, I know you have your "we still mix it up by creating new cups for the different seasons" thing going on, but The Way I See It you should re-install your quote cups because as pretty as the holiday cups may be to look at, I have a hard time using what's printed on them to hypothesize about/analyze my own life, and I think if I'm making the effort to come in early/cranky/sleepy I should be given a little more than coffee for my experience. I mean what do you think I'm paying you for? I'm only kidding...sort of :)


Unknown said...

Linds, I completely agree with you about this post. That night stuck out amongst so many other nights with you due to the fact that we looked down at the same time and stumbled upon quotes that served a meaningful purpose in our lives at that exact moment.

THE WAY I SEE IT Starbucks should not only reinstill those cups, but also provide normal, every day people, with the opportunity to contribute THEIR quotes. Although the creme de la creme of society will be more eloquent, maybe john or jane doe has something important to say too. :)

Joel said...

I think this post really accentuates the biggest difference between you and me: Everything I need to know I learned from wikipedia. that polar bear liver is potentially fatal to humans, if consumed.

Jake LaCaze said...

I hate Starbucks, but sometimes it's your only option for coffee and a hangout spot. However, I did enjoy the Way I See It cups. Starbucks should bring them back so that when I next go to a location and feel all dirty inside, I can get a little bit of inspiration for my overpriced mocha.