For anyone that lives in Chicago, or any big city for that matter, you probably know what its like to be spoiled with endless restaurant options all around you. That's not to say they are all amazing options, though. Even in this great city, I have found, and unfortunately eaten in, several restaurants that should be avoided by anyone having more than six taste buds. Now, I do not claim to be a food editor of any kind (although, I wouldn't mind being one), but I do appreciate restaurants that are willing to create an experience for their customers by putting their own unique style and flare on their food. That being said, after a series of some disappointing restaurant choices as of late, a friend of mine and I decided to pay a visit to a place that we knew wouldn't let us down in the culinary department: DMK.

You'll have to try M Burger and compare!
I know! I keep walking past M Burger and am dying to trying it! Is it good?
I really want to go to DMK Burger! Can i go with you next time? The mac and cheese looks AMAZING!
This is making me hungry! That burger looks so good!
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