Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reel Me In

There's nothing I love more about rainy days than curling up in bed with a good movie. Although, when I say good movie I guess I should clarify. I don't really mean "good" in reference to a thought-provoking literary work that could be considered art in its own right. I'm more referring to the guilty pleasure chick-flick and/or terrible comedy that I shouldn't be willing to admit that I would actually watch. These types of movies are great because they don't force you to pay too close attention to the plot lines because, let's be honest, they aren't that difficult to follow: Boy meets girl. Boy falls for girl. Boy messes up things with girl. Boy makes up for his mistakes with a grand gesture. Boy and girl get back together.

As basic as these films seem to be, I still go back to them time and time again as my "go to" movies. They serve as a really good distraction from the laundry piled up in the corner of my room that needs to be done, the flashing light on my email inbox reminding me I have a few too many emails that I should respond to, and the lonely gym shoes staring at me from my closet that are begging to be used. Now, of course I'm not advocating to turn to a trashy flick as an escape from all the responsibilities that come with life, but in my opinion, it doesn't hurt to use them as a quick-fix to a stressful day every once in awhile.

My "Go-To" Movie List:


Anonymous said...

My favorite movie to watch is 'You've Got Mail'. I've seen it a zillion times and could probably watch it another zillion!

Unknown said...

I think Kolena loves Shakespeare in Love too.