Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The things you can find on public transit...

I found this scribbled in a card (pretty "quackers" because it was a card with a happy duck on it) on my bus this this morning and couldn't help but share it. I hope that it wasn't purposely discarded or that maybe the person that it was meant for will find it here somehow (yes, I realize I'm totally ripping off PostSecret right now)...

"I hate that everything came to this - that when everything changes, we can't stay the same. I hate that on the night I should have stayed, I left. I hate that even though you begged, I left. I hate that I can't see. I hate that I can't change what's been changed. I hate that nothing has gotten better and is only getting worse. I hate that having faith means having nothing. I hate that all I feel is hate."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...