Monday, February 21, 2011

The Pacific Coast

I'm currently sitting in the airport traveling back from one of the best weekends I've had to date. I traveled to Portland which ended up serving as a means of celebrating my very much not-anticipated birthday - I only say that because I basically forgot I was having another one so soon after last year.

Turning a year older has given me some time to reflect on my acomplishments, growth and change that's occured over the past year. The thought hadn't occured to me before that I have experienced a lot of changes this past year and have definately come out stronger and a bit more grounded than I was a year ago. I of course have to atribute a lot of that change to the people that I have interacted with in both my personal and professional life this year - so here's to all of you for putting up with me! :)

I am the type of person that can get bogged down in the day-to-day so I feel incredibly grateful for my trip this weekend. I don't think that I've been as happy as I was gallivanting around Portland in quite some time. I loved getting to hop around to a variety of restaurants and shops but my favorite part of the trip was taking an afternoon to drive out to Pacific Coast. The ocean was so beautiful, vast and surprisingly different from others that I've seen. It reminded me that there is a great deal out there to see/experience and really got me excited for my future rather than being nervous about it like I have been as of late. I'm fairly certain that I could have stayed on the coast, become beach-bum and been pretty darn content for the remainder of my days - I guess that can serve as my backup plan in case this whole living in the real world thing doesn't pan out as I hope it does :)

I HIGHLY recommend a trip out the Northwest/Portland given the opportunity. I'll be sharing pictures of my trip as soon as I get out the incredibly dismal Seattle airport and back to my camera cord. Stay tuned!

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