Thursday, November 18, 2010


I never thought that I was the type of person that struggled with change, or was much of a worrier to that end. However, I'm discovering more and more that I really do have a difficult time with change and analyzing whether or not I'm making the best choices for myself and the life I hope to lead. The inverse of this problem is that I also find myself to be extrememly impulsive and once I get an idea in my head that's what I'm doing and there really is little that anyone can do to stop me. 

Take for example my recent move from Chicago. I left the city that I love and a job I always dreamed of for a city I barely know. I still don't fully comprehend or accept my move at times, but I did do it which in many ways I am proud of. The problem is, since I apparenty have a more dificult time with change than I thought, I often end up thinking of my leaving Chicago as a breakup of sorts. I get nostalgic about my time spent there and tend to only remember the positives. I also overwhelm myself with the thought that since I left I will never be able to go back. It's this thinking that leads me to believe that Chicago wouldn't have me back after the way I've treated it. But I'm slowly coming to the realization that Chicago and I are not "broken up" and I don't need to feel sad every time I drive in for a visit. We are merely taking a break and like any truly great relationship that we will be together again soon. 

In the meantime, I need to stop comparing every other city to Chicago because, let's face it, that never allows you to move on when you try to do it after a relationship ends (plus the fact that Chicago is the best city in the world). We learn to appreciate the good and unique things that another person has to offer us because it's simply unfair to compare him/her to those that came before. 

So for all those reading, I apologize if you feel as though you've wasted the last 5 minutes reading the rants of a crazy person go on about the parallels between a move and a breakup. I guess it's hard for me not to give a shout out to the city I love. Besides, according to the types of followers I have on Twitter, it seems as though my biggest interests are Chicago and cupcakes- not untrue at times I suppose. :) 

So in closing, I love you Chicago and I know we will be together again soon, but for now I guess I need to see what else is out there. Until then, I'll be missing you.

1 comment:

Heather K said...

this will be me in 12 months posting from NC crying about missing DC :) love you