Monday, September 13, 2010

Yes, there's life beyond Starbucks.

I believe that I have found a coffee chain that could kick Starbucks to the curb. It's called Barriques and the best thing about it is that it not only specializes in coffee, but it offers an excellent and non-intimidating wine selection as well. I've found several Barriques around thus far and hope that more start to pop up soon because even though it is a chain, it still manages to offer a cozy boutique feel which I love.

I love that they used old window panes as their menu boards.
 Wine and gift nook :)
Barriques offers wines from all over the world and provides great descriptions on what to expect favor-wise from each wine so hopefully you aren't surprised at first taste.Their wine is very reasonably priced too - there are bottles priced as low as $6.00.
They even serve wine by the glass in house and also have special wine tasting events each month.
Great cupcake coffee mug I found in Barriques gift section of the store.

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