Thursday, February 25, 2010

All the little things...

This is the first post of my fourth blog attempt in over a year. Yikes, I know. It's not that I haven't wanted to keep a blog going. I think it's more that I have tried so hard to pigeonhole myself into a blogger genre. Social Media Guru Blogger? Nope. Cupcake Blogger? Delicious concept, but there was a bit too much baking involved, even for me(an avid baker). Post-Grad Trying To Make It In The Big City Blogger? Strike three. So, in this blog I decided that I wasn't going to force myself to blog within a predetermined construct. I realized that it really is only worth blogging if I do it for myself, not so that others will think that I am interesting and choose to follow me (but if you so choose to follow my posts, which chances are you already are if you're reading this, all the better).

I concluded from all my failed attempts that the only thing I know I will continually write about is what I love. Not so much the big, obvious things I love, but more the little things. I am going create more of those instances in life that make me smile at their perfect simplicity and document them here to share. I think that what I'm getting at can be summed up perfectly with this...

"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things" Antonio Smith

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