Thursday, April 5, 2012

Life at 25

What is it about that third beer that makes you never want to go home.Two beers you're good but that can move mountains and this world can't tame you. Maybe it's living alone or maybe it's getting older and having a slightly (may I emphasize slightly) better perspective on life but lately I can't get enough of life and never want to end the day. Going home on a weekday just feels like missing out and staying in on a weekend is unheard of. I understand that I may sound as though I'm regressing but to be perfectly honest if you knew me two years ago, you'd think differently. Two years ago I was constantly tired, constantly stressed and sooooo self involved it makes me embarrassed to even think of it. Even though I'm not thrilled with everything that's going on in my life...hopefully making some good changes soon...I'm glad to see how much I've grown. Now if only Netflix offered Sex in the City - guess I'll be paying another $1.99 per episode to the Amazon gods...shhhh don't tell.