Friday, November 9, 2012

So Urban Outfitters has about 20 books about sex (including The Field Guide to F*cking.) but the totally adorable and swoon-worthy Oxford American Desk Dictionary & Thesaurus is sold out? Mind = blown.

Where can a girl get a cute thesaurus that doesn't look like it just fell out of my high school English class? Yes, I know about but seeing as I write for a living there's just something about having the book that makes me feel legit....albeit only if it looks like it could belong to a twelve year old girl. What? It's gotta match my cake prints and Peanut comic strips on the walls of my office...geez. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Life at 25

What is it about that third beer that makes you never want to go home.Two beers you're good but that can move mountains and this world can't tame you. Maybe it's living alone or maybe it's getting older and having a slightly (may I emphasize slightly) better perspective on life but lately I can't get enough of life and never want to end the day. Going home on a weekday just feels like missing out and staying in on a weekend is unheard of. I understand that I may sound as though I'm regressing but to be perfectly honest if you knew me two years ago, you'd think differently. Two years ago I was constantly tired, constantly stressed and sooooo self involved it makes me embarrassed to even think of it. Even though I'm not thrilled with everything that's going on in my life...hopefully making some good changes soon...I'm glad to see how much I've grown. Now if only Netflix offered Sex in the City - guess I'll be paying another $1.99 per episode to the Amazon gods...shhhh don't tell.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

On a happier note...

How cute is Jason Segel? I saw in a recent interview that he hasn't had a girlfriend in 8 years. Jason, I live in Chicago and make a mean waffle - you're welcome anytime.

When it Rains it Pours

Man oh man was it one of those days. The feeling of too much to do mixed with an "everything's fine" attitude sure blew up in my face. It's days like today that I love/hate living alone. It's certainly nice to come home, shut the blinds, crack a beer and wallow in self-pity for bit without having to worry about anyone witnessing it. However, at the same time it would be nice to have someone to complain to. Saying "I can't even believe that happened" and "the universe out to get me" just doesn't have the same effect when spoken to stuffed animals. Either way, here's to a day that's mostly over and hopes for a tomorrow filled with sunshine.  

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just for Fun

Just keep swimming...

Add to my list of to-do's.

Every freaking time...

As a Chicago kid I probably shouldn't like this but I couldn't help but laugh.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Evening Libation

Described as "rich, dark and complex". Sounds like the perfect man to me! :)

Pin-spiration for St. Patty's Day Party

I really enjoy all the low-pressure holidays - Halloween, Valentine's Day, 4th of July (you get the point) and St. Patty's Day is no exception. All of these days and special in their own right but for me, I like them because they provide another reason to throw a celebration. I've pulled together a few images a grabbed off Pinterest for this year's St. Patty's Day bash. It will be my first one spent in Chicago and I plan to make the most of it.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Playing on Repeat

Birdy's Skinny Love (courtesy of Ms. Emily Meyers)

Ron Pope's 65 More Years